Article ID : 00182161 / Last Modified : 16/08/2017Print

Warning on Counterfeit Rechargeable Battery and its Charger

    Thank you for your support of Sony products.

    We would like to bring to your attention that counterfeit of Sony rechargeable battery and its charger are sold in the market and recently we discovered cases in China, India and Iran for Sony “Cycle Energy” Nickel-Metal Hydrate Rechargeable Battery Charger & Rechargeable Battery.

    In many cases, the counterfeit products are of inferior quality or simply do not work, and often does not comply with standards in force.
    It may present a danger to your safety such as risks of overheating or fire and also can damage your other electrical products. Moreover, if the product is damaged because of the use of other counterfeit products, the official product guarantee is unlikely to be applied.

    Therefore, to avoid purchasing counterfeit products, you should only purchase genuine Sony “Cycle Energy” Nickel-Metal Hydrate Rechargeable Battery Charger & Rechargeable Battery products through Sony authorized dealers. For consumers to distinguish the Sony genuine products, all Sony genuine "Cycle Energy” Nickel-Metal Hydrate Rechargeable Battery Charger & Rechargeable Battery AA & AAA-size round-cell blister products have a three-dimensional (3D) hologram sticker on the front of the package(*).

    If the product you purchased malfunctions and you suspect it to be a counterfeit product, we advise you to inform Sony and to send the product, a covering letter and the proof of purchase to the Sony customer service center in your country. We can then determine whether the product is a counterfeit or not and let you know. If the product you have purchased is counterfeit, you are entitled to contact the person or the retailer who sold it to you and demand a refund. We would also advise you to contact and inform the relevant authorities.


    Sony Genuine 3D Hologram Sticker on Product Package


     (1) First Generation: "QRIO" 3D Sticker from 2006 production




    (2) Current:  Sony Genuine 3D Sticker from 2007 Spring production onwards



    (*)Not applicable for “Cycle Energy” Nickel-Metal Hydrate Rechargeable Battery Charger & Rechargeable Battery products designed for Japanese market.